Question on my exhaust system


Stock Early 2013 R3R: VIN #555036/Upstate NY
May 3, 2013
Felts Mills, New York
2013 Roadster: "65" Triumph T120 Custom Chop: "79" Yamaha XS 1100
Maybe a stupid question, but as you can see by my Avatar, I have a "early 2013, pres-stripe". I just installed a set of TOR's, does my VIN indicate a a eparate cat-box on the bike, or where the "Cats" inside my stock slipon's? I saw a box where the TOR's went in, and without having any R3R to compare them, they sounded quieter than what I expecting. That being said, I am an old HD rider and whenever I made pipe changes, the effect was significant. If this ends up being a stupid question, chalk it up to too many years spent baking in 3rd world deserts, and too little beer when I was there.:)
The cats are in your mufflers and I believe the newer TORS are a quieter than the older three pipe system
You wrote, "Maybe a stupid question, but as you can see by my Avatar"
WTF? Your Avatar looks like a dam Rorschach test!!!

Rorschach Mask.jpg
FYI - TORS for the Roadster are very quiet. Not much louder than stock.
They have NO cats and crossover pipe is empty.
swap out the link pipe for an aftermarket stainless steel makes it a lot louder with a nice deep tone, the oe link pipe has a small box in it so am guessing this is some kind of filter/muffler aswell.
still quieter than the 3 can set up on the pre roadster models though :)