Question on my exhaust system


Stock Early 2013 R3R: VIN #555036/Upstate NY
May 3, 2013
Felts Mills, New York
2013 Roadster: "65" Triumph T120 Custom Chop: "79" Yamaha XS 1100
Maybe a stupid question, but as you can see by my Avatar, I have a "early 2013, pres-stripe". I just installed a set of TOR's, does my VIN indicate a a eparate cat-box on the bike, or where the "Cats" inside my stock slipon's? I saw a box where the TOR's went in, and without having any R3R to compare them, they sounded quieter than what I expecting. That being said, I am an old HD rider and whenever I made pipe changes, the effect was significant. If this ends up being a stupid question, chalk it up to too many years spent baking in 3rd world deserts, and too little beer when I was there.
The cats are in your mufflers and I believe the newer TORS are a quieter than the older three pipe system
Thanks Hanso, at least I know what I'm dealing with.
You wrote, "Maybe a stupid question, but as you can see by my Avatar"
WTF? Your Avatar looks like a dam Rorschach test!!!

FYI - TORS for the Roadster are very quiet. Not much louder than stock.
They have NO cats and crossover pipe is empty.
Get a bit of carbon build-up in them .. and burn out some of the deadening crap .. will sound better in time as said. All mufflers are like that .. except straight-thru drag pipes which are .. well you know.
swap out the link pipe for an aftermarket stainless steel makes it a lot louder with a nice deep tone, the oe link pipe has a small box in it so am guessing this is some kind of filter/muffler aswell.
still quieter than the 3 can set up on the pre roadster models though