New map is running better, but not up to where I think it should be. no more hesitation in the throttle. seems to run smoother around town. haven't had a chance to take it on any long trips yet, but have one this weekend.
Not sure if I'm just getting use to the bike or what, but ever since the upgrades it just doesn't feel as strong .... push you back into your seat kinda feel. it still goes 0-100 mph in nothing flat. Just feels different.
Any suggestions from you pro's out there are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!
Broke down and bought the PCV & Auto Tune for it. Found it in stock and on sale for $470 shipped for the set. Should be in on Tuesday. At least this way I can have it tuned basically anywhere.
Frank - after I ordered it I saw the post from 15 Apr and you had already installed this. Don't know how I missed that one
. If you get a chance, would you send me that PCV/AT map also?