Question for Frank

I loaded your updated map and put about 60 miles on the bike with it.
Here are my thoughs
It is a good improvement over the 1st tune.
1st gear is scary wicked. If I don't take off like a little girl, I'm either smoking tires or the front wheel is looking at the sky. It is amazing the power available.
2nd gear pulls strong as long as its full throttle. Roll on from 2k up still has some hesitation, but not anywhere near the firts tune.
3rd is about the same as 2nd some hesitation unless Im blasting through the gears.
4th and 5th do not have the umph of the stock tune. Its like you know the power is there and the bike goes but it doesn't try to rip your arms out of their sockets when you give it the berries.
Overall much improvement. However, decel pop has gotten worse.
Now it backfires when rolling off the throttle in 1st and 2nd.
Any suggestions for improvement untill I can talk somebody around here into using tuneEcu on their dyno would be appreciated. I am going to try upping the F and L trim a % or 2 and see if this makes any difference.

Link Removed

Here is the link for the decel pop.

did a 150 mile trip yesterday. no hesitation, very little decel pop. ran a lot better.

Since mine is running a lot better, i would say your running lean. I would follow the instructions from the link above for he decel pop. then increase the 2000-5000 rpm / 10-70 TP range on the f-trim table by 2% and test it.

you really wont know for sure until you get it dyno'd.

Bagman, I cannot post a copy of the tune we did for Frank's Roadster File is too large.
Here is the plot

Send me a PM with your email address and I will mail it to you



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On your auto tune AFR map. What are your AFR set at?

New Dyno

ok, dyno'd my bike today. Thanks go out to Bruce, Tripp, & Frank for all your help!!

Hp = 150.7
Tq = 163.8
Best results were found with a 13.0-13.1 AF. Higher or lower and it lost power.

First sheet is the 4th gear run and the second is the 5th gear run.

Not sure what's going on with the 5th gear run. it drops really lean around the 130mph / 5200rpm range in 5th. Hit 150 mph no problem and still had plenty of rmps left.
The guy at the dyno was asking if 4th & 5th used different timing maps or if there is a restriction built in for max speed. I have the max speed set at 299kph / 182 mph?.

The other thing is the top hp overall. If i'm not mistaken, most runs we have seen on here the hp is a lot closer to the tq. Within 5-7 difference.

So my questions for now:

Was there ever a final word on what I maps are for what gears?

Any idea why 5th gear leaning out?

Any ideas on the hp?

Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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I'm in dire need of a tune for jars, the shorty k&n's secondaries removed, bearclaw cut, etc. When I started with the tune ecu I downloaded a decel pop tune. Well it didn't work out so well and I didn't make a copy of original since I had it on a thumb drive. Well I never gave any thought to the fact that it was in dat format. Tuneboy hard drive was wiped by my son over a year ago and I've tried other tunes to no avail. The bike runs but has major dead spot around 2k. Any help would be appreciated.

the one i have is for the roadster, but this one is on the tuneecu site for your setup: Jardine k triple
Bagman, what filters are you using. I got more HP with the 3/4 inch taller K&Ns. Look up the filter you have and check the one that is a little taller. I tried those big cylinders from K&N and lost power. Seems the TB's like the larger (oval) base. The big tall ones had about a 2 inch rubbber on a 15 degree angle. Looked cool but wouldn't deliver. I am going to try the next size larger on my bike.
You should get your HP up with the longer filter if you have cut your BC. Make sure you mount our ATS in the end of #2 filter. You'll have to splice the wire but that is no big deal.

again, you should get the same RWHP as I'm getting.