Question for Frank

Naw man, I'm givin' you props! :bch:
I've made it 3 times since the Superbowl each time with a bit more bacon, cheese and peppers. I think I'm approaching perfection.
how did the dyno go this weekend with the new filters? Did he dyno the stock R3 also?

Is that baked or fried cornbread? If it's baked, try deep frying it in tablespoon size clumps of the mixture. Won't believe the difference!!
I actually gained with the smaller filters. The RU 3780's gave me 160,56 torque and 156 HP.
The stoock roadster was disapponting ddue to the restrictions. Can't remember the numbers but after he opened the secondaries 100% and gotr his AF right, I think he was at 128HP and 148 or 9 torque.
Bruce, how about shedding some light on the stock bike. I just can't remember the numbers.

BTW no butter in my CB, maybe more bacon
cool that's good to hear.

I was thinking of adjusting the A/F ratios on the stock tune (ranging form 12.8-13.5, 100%-0% TP). Already opened the secondaries to 100%, raised the speed limiter to 260k, and raised the rev limiter to 6500rpm.

Still waiting for the exhaust to come in. Also considering modifying it from a 3:1:2 into a 3:1. Leaving the left side of the exhaust off. Until I get a close look at it when it comes in, I can't really decide.
Hey guys I am almost ready to order the Jardines. I was not planning on upgrading the filters. Can I just do the Jardines and a tune? I am going to dyno it as soon as I put the pipes on it. Any idea what gains I might expect from just the Jardines and a tune? Is there a tuneECU tune that would work as a good starting point?

Thanks for the help

I'm installing everything this weekend. Think you could send me the TuneECU map this week?
