Question about suspension. Bottoming.

Thanks .. another Owner happy with the Comfort shocks. Assume you got them from the States ? Told they aren't available in UK/EURO .. know we don't have them at our Triumph Dealers.

got them from ebay uk, a uk triumph dealer had them on there for half price. i am not sure about this but i think triumph only make the comfort shocks now for the rocket (wether they are called that or not), i am visiting my local dealer today ill find out for you.

thing is.... whats good for some might not be good for others, i came off a pocket rocket to buy the rocket so the suspension for me was a lot softer, the roadster suspension (comfort) was even more comfortable for me. i wasted a fortune on the hagons and progressives but i guess you live and learn.
i now have an explorer aswell and when i get back on the rocket it is hard in comparison but still for me a decent setup. ;)
I just wanna hear more about how the "ambush" went!! :D

You get 'em yet, Bull?

Thanks for askin' cardinal93,
No takers ****it!!! :(

I stayed up all night -had my new infra red HD cameras working - the Spot was on - my Kel Tec Sub 2000 with red dot scope was at the ready - a bad guy ass pouncing was hanging in the night air . . . :D

What a downer! I shall wait for a week, just before taking off on my big ride, and try once again.

Went out today for a shakedown ride of 75 miles or so.
No pushing yet; but, I already LOVE the new Hagons - LOVE,
LOVE, LOVE. Found myself hunting out pot holes and received NO sharp rebound jolts to the back. :D
I can feel the stance difference with the new Excedra Max rear and Michelin front. I feel improvement in tight low speed corners - much reduced front end dive or flop. I haven't done any high speed stuff yet or pushed it hard with the new tires - next time out, likely. :D
The new Rivco Mirrors, once adjusted, are AWESOME. I haven't forgot one signal turn off. :D
stop being a bloody drama queen mate, ive been riding rockets now for 5 years and have tried and tested all different shocks from stock to comfort to hagons to progressives etc etc etc, i have tried them all on different settings soft and hard and not once has it been dangerous.... you try it and if it aint right you change it, it takes seconds to adjust it.......simples.

Drama queen huh?

It's amazing how much you think know about shocks but yet can't explain the proper method of their adjustment.