TC, Mully,
You say those are Hagon Nitros on atomsplitter's ride! Awesome - I like the look and if they perform as everybody says, I'll be chortling in my joy when mine show up.
Nobody in my family was hurt and I lost no guns. That's the good part. I am installing a complete infra-red HD 16 channel camera system with motion detectors. They even got one of my welders and my leather colors - I'll catch some $hit over that - the pukes.
I have lived here 35 years and in the past 24 hours have met a dozen of my neighbors for the first time who have also been hit. They all see my $1000 reward sign out in the yard and have to stop for a chat. From what others say the puke(s) seems to like lawn equipment, so when we get all the cameras in place, I will tie my SPOT GPS locator to the inside of the grass bag, put some cut grass in it and leave my nice Honda mower out in the middle of my next door lot as if it got dark or ran outta gas half way through the job and was left to finish the next day. When the puke(s) go for the bait I'll have it on camera and follow them to an "appropriate" location where me and my German friends, Heckler & Koch shall attempt a recovery.
This could be fun. fun, fun . . .