I'm not quite ready to put mine away yet. I keep it in my cargo trailer and here is what I do...
I change the oil, filter and final drive
I wash and wax it really good
I make sure I have been running ethanol free fuel the last few tanks and make sure the tank is full. I add stabilizer and put a little sea foam in the tank
I run the engine long enough to make sure everything is hot, dry and the fuel additives have circulated around.
I leave the battery in, but keep it on an Optimate all winter. I buy a new battery every three year without fail
@Rocket Scientist and you're welcome to take my slightly used one if you like
I hang several bags of DampRid in the trailer to help with any moisture.
I keep a heat lamp on in the trailer to help deal with the moisture.
I do not start it during the winter as I have read that is not recommended.
It looks as nice in the spring as it did in the fall when I put it away. If I didn't have the trailer, I would being using some ACF 50 on it or things will start to pit and rust over time. There is a place in town that has ethanol free premium fuel. Research shows fuel with ethanol will pull moisture in 3 months no matter what you do with it, but fuel without ethanol will not draw moisture and will remain stable over 12 months. Hard to find many places that carry that fuel.