Well, i was riding with my brother and we were pushing a little harder than i would alone, and i had an oh **** moment. While zipping through some canyons, we hit a nice straight away, no cars in sight, so i gunned it and broke the 100 mph mark, then before i knew it, the next curve came up quicker than anticipated, so i tried breaking a bit before entering the turn, the ABS system must have kicked in and it wasn't enough to make the corner, so in that split second, i weighed my options and rode straight off the rode, lucky no on coming traffic, abd onto the dirt and gravel shoulder, i was still trying to slow down when i saw the shoulder dropped down into a culvert in about 20 feet. So i continued to slow down and came to a stop a couple of feet away from the edge, in a leaf pile up to my knees!
I guess i need to remember that although this bike handles pretty darn good, its still not a ducati!!