Pushed it a bit too hard


.060 Over
Jul 9, 2014
Ventura, California
Rocket iii roadster
Well, i was riding with my brother and we were pushing a little harder than i would alone, and i had an oh **** moment. While zipping through some canyons, we hit a nice straight away, no cars in sight, so i gunned it and broke the 100 mph mark, then before i knew it, the next curve came up quicker than anticipated, so i tried breaking a bit before entering the turn, the ABS system must have kicked in and it wasn't enough to make the corner, so in that split second, i weighed my options and rode straight off the rode, lucky no on coming traffic, abd onto the dirt and gravel shoulder, i was still trying to slow down when i saw the shoulder dropped down into a culvert in about 20 feet. So i continued to slow down and came to a stop a couple of feet away from the edge, in a leaf pile up to my knees!
I guess i need to remember that although this bike handles pretty darn good, its still not a ducati!!
Glad you made it OK. More embarrising isn't it ? I understand a woops like that too. Happened to me when I took my eyes off the curve to look over a 300 foot drop off next to the road. Sight seeing you know. Well I went where I looked and only stopped 2 feet from the precipice. Thank you Jesus.
I'm pleased you are OK. I know the feeling having gone from a Ducati 999s to a R3 some years back. Takes a bit of a mind shift to realise what the limits are, not that I could ride either to their limits
It was embarrasing, I felt like a complete idiot!! But yeah, all in all, i'm glad i'm ok and didn't dump the bike.
It was embarrasing, I felt like a complete idiot!! But yeah, all in all, i'm glad i'm ok and didn't dump the bike.

Your not alone a similar situation while learning to ride the bike scaryGlad your okay .One for the memory bank
The impressive part is that you were able to keep the bike up!!
Glad you made it!

Some people don't believe what I call the target reaction(there is probably a correct name for it) but I have experienced it quite a few times over the years both riding and driving ,you unconsciously steer where you are looking momentarily,
Sorry but can't see how you blame the bike when it was the rider (you) that misjudged the corner. Wouldn't matter if you were on a Ducati or whatever .. a misjudged corner always going to cause you grief.
Glad you rode it out and it ended ok.