I have had puncture repairs done in the past, with absolutely no problems.
And would do it again.
Sounds like your dealer is just trying to scare you into getting a new tire.
But your decision.
Stick some tyre sealant in it first - something like Vikingseal or similar - then take out the screw. If it's only a small hole, the gunk will seal it up.
I run sealant permanently in both tyres to no ill effect.
Stick some tyre sealant in it first - something like Vikingseal or similar - then take out the screw. If it's only a small hole, the gunk will seal it up.
I run sealant permanently in both tyres to no ill effect.
Don't rely on tyre sealant, that is only to get you home.
Have it repaired properly, and if you want to use sealant after the repair by all means do so.
Are you just a commuter? Plug the tire, it will be fine. Do you ever twist it open and hold it, for a second? for two seconds? In two seconds I can guarantee that you will start to dwell on the concept of the tire plug, the damage to the cords that the screw did and you will begin to picture the adverse affects of shedding tread at speed. You will wish you replaced the tire. But it will probably be fine... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Finally resolved with several choices which were......
Metropolis Triumph,London.......£275 fitted ABSOLUTE PISSTAKE!!!
Dodgy backstreet boy, London..£168 fitted or repair for £50.
Flitwick Triumph, Bedfordshire...£170 fitted.
Flitwick Triumph one hour away, had the know how and tools, decided this was the best option, tyre only done 500 miles and it was a very small screw!...mechanic decided it was ok to repair and was happy to do so!
Final cost............ an afternoon off, a nice ride to Bedfordshire and £40 to repair!!!!
Because there is a shortage of this tyre and Metropolis had 3 in stock he decided to take the piss.......