New Tire, Tiny Puncture

Just put on a new set of Bridgestones just over a month ago and found a slow leak yesterday on the rear. Lost about 10psi overnight. Used the soapy water trick and found the puncture. Smaller than a nail, like a piece of wire.

My dealership is 115 miles away. There's a Victory dealership (closed Mondays, of course) in town that I could nurse it to if they'll even touch the thing.

I guess my question is this, can I trust a plug on these huge ass tires? I don't think I want to trust my life to Slime or Ride-On but should I trust it to a plug? I'm going to be out of town starting a week from tomorrow, then home for 4 days then riding the Rocket to Arizona. Time is seriously running out for me.

Pic (it is tiny, right in the middle of the shot, in the tread groove):

Friarjohn, I have had the same issue on more than one occasion.

I know all the horror stories but I am a tightarse (don't like to spend money:rolleyes:) so on every occasion I have plugged and rode the tyre until there was no tread left, literally. I have never had any issues of the tyre exploding or any similar rubbish... Nor have I changed to a professionally installed plug as I have been advised to do...

Go with your instinct and whatever makes you feel comfortable, I for one will never throw away a tyre for a nail hole... watch the Fastest Indian and see what he did with tyres :eek:

Good luck
I'm definitely not going to throw it away. I'm just not sure what I want to do with it. Maybe after the next tire is worn I'll man up and use this one again. Maybe I'll plug it AND treat it with Ride-on. :D
Plug it. It's such a tiny hole what's the worst that could happen? Another slow leak? Keep an eye on pressure and you should get max life out of the tyre. I've plugged Metz, Avon and my current Bridgestone, but only when the holes are tiny. Never had one problem or even a leak and got ,000s of kms out of them. I actually carry a plug kit under my seat and it got me out of trouble just the other day.
When you plug a hole, doesn't it have to be reamed out? Won't it be much bigger than the current hole? Not saying the plug won't hold but I keep hearing (reading) stories...
When you plug a hole, doesn't it have to be reamed out? Won't it be much bigger than the current hole? Not saying the plug won't hold but I keep hearing (reading) stories...

Yes it does but I don't get too carried away. Once in and out to make sure the plug thingy can go in is all I do. I certainly try not to make the hole too much bigger; you want it as tight as possible. Then apply lots of rubber cement to the plug before you shove it in and make sure you trim off the excess as flush as you can.

I've had 4 plugs in Rocket tyres and never a problem. Interestingly twice the tyre was less than 2 days old so I had no real option. One of my Avons had 2 plugs - one for all its life and one for the last few hundred KMs while I was waiting on the new one to arrive.
When you plug a hole, doesn't it have to be reamed out? Won't it be much bigger than the current hole? Not saying the plug won't hold but I keep hearing (reading) stories...

Yes, but if you follow the instructions on the kit you won't have a problem. It is only reamed to make the hole the right size for the plug and to make the inside of the hole the the correct shape for optimum effect. I like the plugs that are like manky rubber strips as they are the easiest to use.
Like this: tyre Repair Kit.jpg

I did have a kit that used unusually shaped rubber grommets. It worked fine but the grommets were much more difficult to insert than the strips. Like this:
I have a kit that has enough bits for about 10 repairs for less than $50.00. Good value if it saves a tow and a tyre..or more ;)
john this is what I take with me on long it all right at walmart..

the air pump I use and it works great...

hope this helps you...all I can say this has worked for me once and that is all I hope to every to find out.. but if happens again I am ready...
