Gidday Stu...Christchurch here....I'm on my 3rd Gt..yeah, i know...its a long story...and no i didnt write them off!
I see the dealers are offering a quick shifter free on these new Storms...should have come standard i thought but?
I had a 1200 Tiger with the quick shifter and it really gets the bike down the road quickly...down shifting is great too so in my opinion they are an awesome addition.
One thing i will say is get your suspension sorted as the preload is set down at the very bottom setting from factory...its because they dont know the purchasers weight and its up to you to adjust it accordingly...There is a video on youtube with two aussie guys doing the adjustments...follow this and youll have a better ride for sure.
The rear preload will take a few thousand km's to settle so dont be too hasty and start abusing the does settle.
I find the GT flyscreen good for does deflect wind over your lid..stones too!
You can adjust the pegs also...check the manual.
Make sure when checking the oil the bike is on the side stand! the motor for a minute to a minute and a half, turn the motor off and leave it for 3 mins then check...the level should be somewhere in the serated area...preferably near the top in my opinion.
Go into your menu and make sure the time and date is correct and you can enter your name as well if the dealer hasnt already done this.
The Panniers are ok...i put all my gear in a plastic bag as well.
I didnt see if you had bought a GT or an R?...maybe i missed will love this bike m8...