Pressurizing Fuel Tank (Fix Pics inside)

Also felt the need for more Deadpool on my bike while I had the wrenches out:
Hmm - me thinks sir has over amplified that hole. Check now for loss from the drain hose when braking hard on a fullish tank.
****ty check valve design - and from the photos it looks like that expensive fuel cap with the fancy knob.
A 0.5mm hole will suffice - 1.0mm for warp'd motors maybe.

It has to pass gas and not liquids. But really it NEEDS to be able to flow both ways.

Oh and sir's vent hole in the tank looks like it's got some gubbins in.

Di-NOC - really!. :banghead: - Oh you fashion slave.
Unlike the stock setup, the holes at the very top, so it would need to be significantly overfilled to leak, something I don't do and the vent hole I drilled is now the same size as the stock vent line, should be fine. Will find out tomorrow after it gets all toasty on my ride to work I guess :p

I really don't understand the concept of only allowing air to flow one way in the first place, stupid design. I still do like the cap though, looks nice, easy to manipulate with gloves and light weight, just needed some "customization" lol.
petrol flashpoint is like -45° or something, so it's throwing off vapour in any weather.

dude wtf
flashpoint of gasoline + 495 Fahrenheit at minus 45 u could put a match on it and it would not even light

maybe u have had to much to drink:roll::roll:

Think you're mixing up flashpoint with autoignition..

Gasoline can be ignited or give off vapour at -45 and up, at 495 it's close to just spontaneously going on fire :thumbsup:

Tell you what get some gas and stick it in a good freezer for while then drop a match in it :roll:
Also felt the need for more Deadpool on my bike while I had the wrenches out:

I'm so disgusted by the current state of what's made into movies, anything to do with comic books or superheroes I scroll right by on the program, I just absolutely refuse to even look at it. I can't remember why, wife wanted a movie and nothing on, I suppose, I watched that about a week ago. Hardest I laughed in a while, it was actually really good, surprised me.
I love it because it’s hardcore violence with serious dark themes and bitter about the world, yet somehow manages to not take itself seriously.... like me ;P

Low and behold, no more pressure and bike runs a bit smoother at idle....