Prayers for Nolton

Mending good. Thanks for all the concern. To everyone . When you eat make sure you chew your food completely then as your about to swallow add fluid. My damage was caused by a hamburger. 3 inch tear in my esophagus because food was lodged in my esophagus just above my stomach.
Surgeon said it is common for people to come in from this but uncommon for a ruptured esophagus.
I'm still not able to work but will go for an update with the Dr. Monday. Cant lift over 20 lbs yet. My job requires me to lift 63 lbs every 15 mins. If I can I will be at Maggie valley but I doubt it.
This is one of those things that prove who your true friends are. Window got small real quick but I dont care. I'm a loner. I like it that way. It's all I know.
Thanks again for the support.
As long as you can go thru the window it don't matter how small it is:), wife says mend fast and see you in MV:D
Surgeon said it is common for people to come in from this but uncommon for a ruptured esophagus.
It is more or less likely depending on food culture at a guess. As well as the cuisine itself.

Maybe we should encourage the master @JoseyR3Wales to do smoked and BarBQ stews. Maybe a smoked Spanish Oven Rice dish.
bike looks like a sexy woman dressed to kill.
Time to name it NIKITA then.

Mending good. Thanks for all the concern. To everyone . When you eat make sure you chew your food completely then as your about to swallow add fluid. My damage was caused by a hamburger. 3 inch tear in my esophagus because food was lodged in my esophagus just above my stomach.
Surgeon said it is common for people to come in from this but uncommon for a ruptured esophagus.
I'm still not able to work but will go for an update with the Dr. Monday. Cant lift over 20 lbs yet. My job requires me to lift 63 lbs every 15 mins. If I can I will be at Maggie valley but I doubt it.
This is one of those things that prove who your true friends are. Window got small real quick but I dont care. I'm a loner. I like it that way. It's all I know.
Thanks again for the support.
I’m guessing you don’t read your messenger much?
Pm that to me please sir
I will ask Mrs B to write it down - There are two versions.
Nothing is set in stone - Mrs B's version is adapted from traditional Valencian. We tend to use Pork "Secreto" instead of more traditional hacked pork ribs. Mainly because we like it.

But ----- You will need Valencian Rice (Short round grain). Long grain simply does not work!.
And it works best (really) if you have an earthenware dish.