Prayers for Nolton

I will ask Mrs B to write it down - There are two versions.
Nothing is set in stone - Mrs B's version is adapted from traditional Valencian. We tend to use Pork "Secreto" instead of more traditional hacked pork ribs. Mainly because we like it.

But ----- You will need Valencian Rice (Short round grain). Long grain simply does not work!.
And it works best (really) if you have an earthenware dish.

Thank you sir, Mrs Tex will appreciate that. I will of course pass it on to Glen.

This was my smoked Mac offering yesterday

Going back to work june 4th. Cant make MV. I'm beyond broke. Even out on medical everyone has their hands out. $$
Defered what bills I could. The system is set up to make people fail.
A personal observation.

Hard times prove who your friends are. It's been a very difficult few years. Life put me on the ground and kicked me. I'm stronger than I thought I was and many good people came out in support. Guess my friends list needed some weeding out. For those that picked me up and helped me in their own way, God bless you. I was becoming a very angry person. This has humbled me. I can never thank those people enough. I have alot of paying forward to do. Please remember people when life decides to get rough. Most of the time many will not ask for help. I didnt and it came anyway. Had a friend come and talk with me for 8 hours when I was In need of support and didnt even know it. My ex came and checked on me often. Other friends came and visited and some people simply called. I'm a loner. I prefer to be alone but the support kept me from going dark emotionally. Just a little goes a long way. Never let your personal life deprive someone that is down. Giving is healing.
Everyone has something chewing away at their mind, heart and spirit. Take the time to help heal. Today I went to the hospital just to thank the staff for the way they made me feel. It made a greater impression than I anticipated. Dr.'s have their rewards. Staff do not get the respect they deserve . These people hear about the complaints but never enough about the application. I will be mailing letters to the hospital giving each person the appreciation and respect they deserve. It's worth my time and effort. Anyone involved with a person in the medical field, let them know that I respect them for what they put into it from the heart.
My ex said that even on drugs and in pain I was still cracking jokes. Guess I'm not as bad of a person as I thought. Just too many walls up.
Thanks to everyones support. I love you people.
Hope to ride with many of you one day.
@nolton, ride with us to MV, wife promises not to make you ride on the shoulder for 10 miles this time:):D