Possible tps issue?

As previously stated -- the poor man's method. You'll be giving up computer-driven idle compensation for ambient temperature adjustment of the fuel ratio - meaning you may have to fiddle with it when you first start the bike, until it warms to normal operating temperature. But yes, that will alleviate the surging idle problem.

Thank you. I can play with the throttle till the bike warms up. Just want to make sure that I don't mess it up when I reconnect the idle motor. In my case this has been the only method that has worked. Been dealing with the surging thing for three years I have had the bike.
It is a good way to fix it Rick. Disconnect the linkage, go on with life. As I mentioned I did yours like I did as a trouble shooting step that could be very easily reversed, now that it's a known fix, just plug back in and unlink, life is good.

All TB assemblies from 2004-2018 are compatible, they're all the same HOWEVER you will need to adjust the primary TPS sensor and throttle cables when switching between them for optimal results. The only meaningful difference is the primary TPS part number change sometime around 2008/2009.
I gave a brand new Stepper motor to warp9 and paid the postage. Like the man in the tin shed said it ain't worth the trouble. Thing is a ****ing joke. Yesterday left out at of Henryetta Oklahoma at 5:00 AM in 20 degree temps. No issue. Warmed the bike up ad pulled out rode 55 miles without a issue. Have the original connected but no linkage. I prefer to let the bike warm up before i ride. Little things like getting prober oil flow throughout the engine seems to cut down on Maintenance cost in the long run. Boy read between the lines.

That's the OK I was waiting for. Thank you very much, I owe you.

Thank you for the input on this pesky problem. I can deal with letting the bike warm up till it idles well just fine. Done it with all my other bikes. It don't take long. I'm sure my neighbor disagrees even though I coast the bike to the street to start it. The Rocket is a noisy bike. The Valkye is quiet. The only freezing weather I see up close is in the freezer.
thanks for all your suggestions guys.

I decided to test out running with the iscv just unplugged first as I had to pop out for a short run. I expected the engine light so not worried when that came on.
The bike ran fine. Less popping and held the idle well. I've logged it back in and ran tune Ecu. The first figure was fine so I've left that but the second was at 0.78, I've dropped that back to 0.72 and reset the engine light but now I've had a few beers so can't go and test it. I'll run it out tomorrow and see. If I still have issues I'll just detach the mechanism for now and see if that helps. My old man's on his way to the UK and things are generally cheaper over there for the trump so I'll get him to pick me one up.
I do still have to balance the throttle bodies, cylinder 3 is different to the other 2 but got to find the time to adjust that although I was getting a different reading off my phone than I got on the laptop. Not sure why. I'll work it out tho.
Rick your good people.

You have made me good suggestions... change the yoke bearings(done), change fork springs and add #7 oil (done), confirm "trash the idle stepper motor" (done). All have improved my TwoTone's ride significantly. Now... the chromes? I'm so happy with the current set up that it is hard to fork out $500 to try them. Perhaps they go on sale and Ill get a set for the spare rims.
Glad to help out.I was a bit set back by the price myself but after riding on them especially the way i ride they are worth every penny. The day last week when i rode in 20 degree temps and had no issues sold me on the next set. The original avon Cobras sucked in cold weather.