Ponters Roadster Has a New Home

Geez guys stop ***** footing around. What did u pay for the old girl? Off load 4 what? Custom machine saw it on one of ponters rides down south, suits a certain rider.
Price paid is a secret - sorry
I got it from another member but he got it from Ponters due to his divorce etc
Geez guys stop ***** footing around. What did u pay for the old girl? Off load 4 what? Custom machine saw it on one of ponters rides down south, suits a certain rider.

cost is only relevant in the absence of value, basic business principle even an old haulage contractor know this principle

Sounds like you are warming up to throw a big $$$$$ number at Mittzy for the steed?

I recall the original for sale price ($50,800) and it was stated twice as much as that had been spent on it. Reckon it was a discount on that number by a big margin. Love the investment rule that states "Never invest in things that rot, rust or depreciate". Which has been blown out the water by some of prices older bikes are fetching these days! Wish I had a Brough Superior in the barn!!
Me buying a highly modified bike like the ex Ponters bike would be like feeding strawberries to pigs a total waste of a Rocket of Rocket, I ride like driving Miss daisy these days, a lot of my riding buddies wondered why I bought my Kawasaki 1400 GTR with the potential that bike has straight out of the box, but I was after reliable Touring Bike (1000Klm days) the performance was just a bonus