Ponters RIIIR is home!!!

Hey tell Rick to put my headers up on a ***cin bench or something .. not ***cin kicking round workshop floor ... haha .. can't wait to 'hear' the finished bike G
YES I have the CF wheels and I agree an amazing improvement
YOU can buy spray LOCK EASE IT works the best for me
Now after reading this and some other reads I think these CF wheel are my next mod where can we buy them in oz ? Or do I order from us ?
Too many pothole on the roads I ride, hate to have one shatter or even just crack while motoring along
I believe there have been some already do it,
They look awesome and I am sure they improve the bike with the reduce unsprung weight but I dont think I am prepared to spend that sort of money then being wary of every pothole I see it would drive me nutty then I already am
Now after reading this and some other reads I think these CF wheel are my next mod where can we buy them in oz ? Or do I order from us ?
Pretty sure you gotta get 'em from the manufacturer in South Africa.... why not PM Ponters? He obviously will know......
thanks guy's now you got me thinking . the read up and youtube clips with a wedge weight been dropped onto tyre on cf wheel and in the clip mention that a normal alloy wheel would of broke in this test but did not show a alloy wheel tested and what type ' there is street approved and race CF wheel , but i have to say about 15 years ago on my gpz900 i did go into a nasty pot hole bottom out my front end and bent my front rim lucky i didn't blow out the tyer so may be in that situation the CF would crack or shatter

Yep bought mine from Evil (Chris Seers) in UK. Did a great job with the custom paint matching.

Bike looks Freaking Awesome!!
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Yep bought mine from Evil (Chris Seers) in UK. Did a great job with the custom paint matching.

Bike looks Freaking Awesome!!

Different fella I'm pretty sure .. Dodge has more a 'homemade' line of products .. don't think he actually does any RIII parts.