Ponters RIIIR could be yours

Ponters .. I have an idea ... why not exchange the donk out of your Roadster into a Tourer. After all it's the 'looks' that most of the perspective buyers would be drawn to. Just a thought as I " f#ckin know" you will never recoup anything near what you have invested. Where it me I'd be 'asking' my selling price and waiting to judge the response .. money talks as we know.
<-- Will get a shipping quote on Monday and call the bank to see how much I can get

I doubt it'll be enough but I'll find out anyways.

Oh and officially: 2014 Rocket 3 Roadster with 1595 miles for sale on Oahu, 16,000 takes it! All stock, with extras included

Funny thing, I was thinking along the same lines as he was talking about a touring and mounting a hair dryer on it (turbo).
Just swap the motors and be done with it as that part is already done. Don't know how the rear tyre would cope and for how long but it would be a bit of a sleeper though.
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Now there's a plan.
Reckon its very manageable considering all the money that has been put into the motor. But if someone has the cash then let it go and start again.