Ponters RIIIR could be yours

Thanks for clarification on this, 215mph real world seems a bit high. Dyno numbers is another story...
Well Ponters, good news and bad. I can get a pretty heft loan for it, bad news is knowing a rough of what you have spent, its not enough to be considered a reasonable price :/
215mph doesn't sound impossible to me.
My old Hayabusa was 152hp at the wheel, later it got a PCIII and a better exhaust, so maybe 160hp.

I never went over 175 mph, but these days I feel I should have really tried its topspeed. I regret I never did that.
Anyway, it felt like there was plenty of power left at 175, I think those ponies would have been enough to reach 200mph.

So, if we are really talking 254rwhp, 200+ mph should be reachable. At least if anybody could bear the storm at that speed, and hold on to it.
YEP you can say anything you like its easy to talk BUT I havnt seen any proof from anyone who make those claims
@IMFASTTOO Well fact is - I reckon you know better than me.
You guys at Carpenter can reach 150 mph in 9 seconds, so how fast can the Silverback really go?
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@IMFASTTOO Well fact is - I expect you to know better than me.
You guys at Carpenter can reach 150 mph in 9 seconds, so how fast can the Silverback really go?
WE have run as fast as 160 mph in the 1/4 mile and top speed we have yet to run on asphalt But I have outrun the fastest sportbikes on the open highway but my speedo doesnt go that high SO ???? we have a redline of 9000 rpm and 3000 rpm =80mph so ???
****ing epic pic there Phil!!

“There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.”

Ernest Hemingway

I decided that needed to be made into a Rocket 3 branded sticker!
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