Ponters Headers

Looking good!

Thanks mate...


Well it has been a while since the bike went across to SA and most if not all the work is done. Pipes are pretty much ready just awaiting testing.

Engine work, well everything that needed doing is done, all parts are in, just collecting dust while Triumph australia gets some conrod bolts!

Can you believe our bikes take six bolts. These are torqued up so once they're in the torque it up a little more to stretch the bolt. This means they are throw away parts. Instead of keeping a box full Triumph australia decided to only keep 3, yep that 3 bolts in stock. Good if you want to do half a job!!!! They have been ordered 2 months ago or probably longer and the ETA keep blowing our 1 - 2 weeks.

Irony is, they are only $15 odd AUD each. Why the f*** wouldn't they just keep a box in back up. Apparently no dealers in Aus have any in stock. So basically my bike is collecting dust, as it has been for 6 weeks or so waiting on bolts!

All that said, both guys working on their respective bits are pretty excited about what the outcome will be.

Sorry about the delays in keeping you up to date, just that time of year where all the refinancing, accounting, pushing jobs to finish of in the fin year coupled with court cases and VCAT hearings means I've been a bit under the pump. Wouldn't have got that much riding in anyhow so not a big deal that I don't have the bike but...you know, I'd like to have it soon ish.

I should have a final cost on my pipes so as soon as he bills me I'll let you know the price and results. I should say, Ive asked for them to be as deep and loud as possible without being raspy and vulgar. Rick is going to be offering a few noise options for those of you that prefer a toned down version. Personally, i am used to hearing the Ducati scream and rumble even though I wear plugs to keep wind noise down so the tors were just not loud enough for a fella my age that spent too much time in the live music arenas.

Good part of this for one of you guys is that I'll have a full set of Roadster TORS with cat bypass etc available cheap very soon. Wouldn't mind organising for them to come straight to you if you want them as if I had another set of spare pipes laying around my shed, id get wifed! anyone with a partner knows its not a good thing to have your wife asking why you are building a 3rd workshop shed if the other 2 are just full of crap. LOL, I do have 1 entire shed full of original and spare parts from my bikes and gear I don't use that much.

I think I might start a thread listing all the **** I have for you guys to pick what you want. i'd rather the stuff going to mates off this site than anyone on ebay, even if it costs me a little. C'est la vie!

Anyhow, I'll be logging in a little more again so I can ruffle a few feathers and be the brunt of your cruel jokes! hmm...is it the other way around???
Sooooooo, near completion yet???

Gday Gday,

funny you should ask. Got a call fromLush today, he's close to finished, was just finishing some final tuning. Finally got the con rod bolts after a squillian years of waiting on Triumph. Poor Lushie, he's been having to baby sit a bike in bits while Triumph got their act together.

Anyway, pipes, headers and collector is all done, internal engine bits done, final tune happening today and tomorrow, then back to exhaust fella to finish coating the pipes and making the heat shields. Then all i have to do is get it on a truck and get it home!!!!,

Strip the bits off and start bolting on all the black stuff...(now you black bikehaterss....shhhh) as have got most of the bits to stealth her out. Last thing i need is a few days to ride and love her...ahh, not before I replace the rear tyre..got a feeling I'll be needing a new one sooner than later.

Looking forward to seeing this beast in september
I lived in Melbourne in 2002 , rode to work every morning at 5.30am understand why he ain't in a hurry to get bike back in a Melbourne winter. Bad enough here in SEQ... it's freezing in the mornings.. about the only time that i miss Darwin
-5 here this morning, TC. Will be sub zero all week. Gloves and other gear that are normally fine down to zero suddenly feel wafer thin. You'd love it.
we just had our coldest morning so far this winter.. it got down to 0 .... that would be right on my bloody bday it has to have hell freeze over