Ponters Headers

nah that I think you misunderstand i'm 6mm id they call me "... ...." fire hose for short, I don't think so but its better than what I have them call you ... what was that.... mmm... ah... yes "Pencildick" I believe
Just Kidding!!!! hanging out to see them in the flesh .. the pipes that is
And and Nev if you're reading this .... send me the f#ckin pistons !!!![/QUOTE]

Nev's reading this alright piston mix-up is now sorted , thanks Nev.
Hey Ponters, now that you have had the weekend to assess your new exhaust, whats the verdict, have you given it a ride to hear how it sounds and performs. Would like to hear your thoughtsas this might just give me the extra want to order one for myself. Cheers

Yeah Ponters get off ya arse and make a sound file mate it is your duty to appease the gods well me and the rest of the riff raff anyway
Didnt ride as much as I would have liked but I can give some honest feedback. Now given that I have had extensive improvements made I cannot comment on the performance improvement of just the exhaust. From figures discussed and what not I can say they appear to represent awesome value. To highlight the importance of getting an exhaust that is 100% right versus nearly 100% right let me share this bit of info.

The exhaust was literally finished but the collector had something like a 2degree bend in it. Nev insisted it be redone as this minor bend he beleived was robbing power. Well after thinking he was just being fastitdious a new set were made up this time exactly as Nev requested. Low and behold, with no other change what so ever they found 7hp. Now the point I make, if you are after performance, and having heard the differences many of these tiny tweaks made and believe me there were many of them, I would confidently say that you couldnt be dissapointed in the performance increase this system gives.

Noise....well I specifically said I wanted something that was obnoxious at idle or fluffing around home, however when I was playing I wanted it to be loud. Ok now on this note, my wife was giving me grief about pushing the bike to the end of the street before starting so as not to wake my daughter. After agreeing I went to the front of the house and cranked it over. LOL, cant accuse me of over mothering. Anyway totally acceptable. Deep note, very deep note actually, and piss farting around it is very socially acceptable. Now this is where it gets interesting. Got on the freeway but was caught behind some cars on the ramp...

As I got onto the five lane freeway i pulled into a clear lane and gently opened her up but gave her a bit of burley. Well, phuckmidrunk...was as funny as watching somebody not expecting a train horn, the driver in the car beside me litterally jumped as I went passed and cams came on at 5000 rpm! It really does sound like a MONSTER roaring it head off before it attacks. As my mate said when he came out the front, he could hear me from 3 blocks away. Now I must admit, i wasnt going easy so not un believable.

The funniest part was on the way home, when coming past Bulleen Road city bound I saw a mate in his Porsche 991 Turbo so I caught him and said Gday. When he saw me he geared down and planted it. Phuckaduck, they are a quick car. I nearly had to try as I kept up with him to 200k but then he started to ease off so I thought Id gear down and showing what my baby could do.......Hmmmm...silly me..200k is not enough to tame this thing...dropped a gear (trying to take off hard) and gave it stick....cams on, RPM up, 200 on clock, WOT, and ooppppsss!!!!!!!!!!! all of a sudden I was looking at clouds and gforce was trying to give my forearms a stretch. Noise, well let me say, when I got off the freeway and pulled over waiting for my mate i had a few people giving me the thumbs up. Apparently, from the drivers seat of the Porsche when opened it, the sound was not Vtwin offensive but sounded like a screaming supercar. Havent had that much fun since I was 19 and drove my first Carrera Cup car. So nice to bleep the throttle and see people move out of the way.

Negatives....well at this point I dont have heat shields as I got fed up waiting but I will have them next week and then i reckon they are perfect.

At $1850 for a ceramic coated complete race system that you can tailor what sound you like. For me it is a no brainer. Do it!

Is there an acronym for "Smiling Out Loud?" I have a buddy with a Honda 750 that's all the time talking smack about how my bike is huge but sounds really small with the stock exhaust. Been looking for just the right kind of sound for it. Looks like I may have found it! LOL
i feel like a 14 yo that gets invoulntary erections. just thinking about my baby gets me excited and wanting the sun to come up. 18 degrees and sunny tomorrow! wohoo! guess whos riding to work so that i can cancel all appointments! lol