No friggen colour for me colour is for **** hippys I love the drab black it's a motorcycle not a sideshow at that **** maradi gra u southern mob all love
Ponters I was at Nevs shop yesterday and heard your bike running. It looks great and sounds friggin great. I believe that you will have it soon ya lucky bast**d. That bike is gonna hammer!!
Ponters I was at Nevs shop yesterday and heard your bike running. It looks great and sounds friggin great. I believe that you will have it soon ya lucky bast**d. That bike is gonna hammer!!
Ponters I was at Nevs shop yesterday and heard your bike running. It looks great and sounds friggin great. I believe that you will have it soon ya lucky bast**d. That bike is gonna hammer!!
yeah, they do. they had to redesign....(if you look at the middle pipe coming out of block in the first pics to the last you'll notice it's completely different) allow more clearance for the leg position on the classic.
A brother captain from NSW tried the original on his and was perfect for "roast leg of captain" but not much chop for riding! (you like that fellas, f'n witty arent i)
anyhow i am not positive if its the 1 system fits all or if it is a slightly different setup but i am of the understanding that standards, classics and roadsters are accommodated.
now before i recommend it, all i can say, the proof is definitely in the pudding as far as performance goes but the jury is still out as far as noise goes till tomorrow night.
Chrome you can overdo. A little is good, a little more can be OK but too much is too much. I like a mix of colour, black and chrome. And I have to admit, all black can look fretty amazing if done well (if you don't mind a slow bike).
Chrome you can overdo. A little is good, a little more can be OK but too much is too much. I like a mix of colour, black and chrome. And I have to admit, all black can look fretty amazing if done well (if you don't mind a slow bike).