@Rocket_Man I agree with @Boog - what a bummer!
I'm going for a hip replacement. Perhaps work for you???
I shall continue to alter my motor so I can ride on . . . 'till I can't make it handle any more.
Then I'll go trike!
I wish I could still ride stopped two months ago .Unfortunately diagnosed with an illness that there is no coming back from in febuary this year .I tried many different things to help me ride .I was unable to use the front brake so I relied on my rear brake to stop the bike .Two months ago i was out riding and could not activate the rear brake quick enough as my right leg was beginning to take time to respond .my left arm is still good and it enables me to tinker with the bike.Frustrating yes.
I think about you and your situation every time I see your name.
Don't know what I'd do if in your shoes, but I seriously doubt I'd be a courageous as you!!!
Keep up the big fight, Mate - NEVER QUIT!
You are fighting something that has always terrified me.
You are my hero!
Peter's my hero too. The way he's been able to laugh at his predicament is pretty inspiring. When I popped up to see him a couple of months ago he had us in stitches telling how he'd cornered the market in levers - 'cos his bike had been over so many times he'd started carrying spares in his saddle bag. Takes a lot of guts to ride a Rocket when you struggle to move and arm and a leg, but it takes real character to laugh at it.
Here's a pic from Nabiac last year. TC and Catherine and I had met up there and Peter just breezed in on his way home from one of his characteristic journeys.
Peter epitomises what real riding is. Seeing him appear on here brings a smile to my face every time, tinged with more than a little sadness.
Honestly - I don't know. I think it'll be one of those things that suddenly happens.
One days the rewards won't outway the costs - mentally or physically.
Though I think it's fair to say that any real accident would have my mum and wife cornering me with threats of violence. And I could be bribed off with a Polaris Slingshot.