Please Let Her Breathe

So, what filters are everyone using, and which restrictions should I remove..?
Heard good reviews about the MK2 Ramair filter , best find out how that effects warranty 1st great if you want to keep the stock look , other options are Kand N pod filters , then there's @ozrider ozclaw and multiple others , i did this with mine:
i like the look of it and it seemed to make throttle response a bit snappier.
As for restrictions once you have worked out filters and exhaust im sure the Meister Map slinger @HansO will set you straight mate.
Purely cosmetic, I'm sure HP gain would not differ a great deal. Plus once installed, I just need to take my bike around the corner for a Nev Lush tune

You live close to nev, you lucky b*st*rd, don't waste time asking questions here, just get your arse round the corner to THE MAN

& let him work his magic. I have to settle getting his stuff posted halfway round the world, still worth it though.

I have purchased R3 stuff from different countries, but the best bits come from that 'Tin Shed' down under.

If you look at the board and search you'll find many irate Ramair owners, but that was because the MK 1 of this didn't have the proper notches to fit the flanges on the air intakes. The smooth plastic when clamped just a touch too hard (or for all we know, just bad luck/something with the materials batch) eventually got sliced up and shredded. The MK 2 of these that they made just recently do have a proper shape to allow for the flange, so far no reported failures (and I like mine.) This is the best you can do without carving up your bearclaw and running with triple exposed K&N air filters, ie stock look, more air into the bike, and you can ditch the giant air boxes and such that are on the bike stock which makes work on or around the engine a lot more agreeable.

It's also more elegant in that it retains the stock o2 sensor with an extender cable that's included.
The main thing in improving the header seems to be having individual pipes going back to the junction. They can be straight or squiggly. The stock header has the exhaust from 2 of the pipes slamming into the horizontal pipe.
What does tuned headers mean?
Tuned length means that someone smart like Neville worked out using a formula the best size OD pipe and best length from head flange to the merge collector which also is part of the formula to has to have a decent outlet size to give good flow with out restrictions to much from it as well the head and in the case of the Rebands follow a line with least amount of curves and sharp bends to attain the best HP and Torque this information was then handed to Rick at Reband who made Ponters first set (which TC now owns) they were made on the bike and fit up rally good but other set since made on a jig have been troublesome to fit (bad jig?) the only real problem with the rebrands is because of the minimal bends the merge collector is a long way from the the motor which is fine if you are just going to have one outlet.
Some people like myself and Les (@ozrider) wanted to retain the three muffler look and I mentioned that I had spoken to Rick about bringing the pipes forward to be able to have the collector closer to motor but that he was not keen on the idea, Les mentioned he had a mate ( Trev owner of CES Racing Exhausts) from the car racing industry who could probably fab up what we wanted, I offered up a set of Flanges made by the famous Sam maker of the "Predators so that Trev ( using the same formular to design them) could make something similar which would guarantee a good fit up to the head, Les had him make a set fro his Classic but because of the lower peg rails on the classic he would need to tighten up the curves and was looking for donor bike to rework the system on ... Along came Bruce (@bruce aussie) and Trev made a jig which has produced numerous set of headers wit either single outlets or like my custom 3 in to 1 into 3 set up with minimal restriction the best I can tell is their is almost no difference between the Rebands or the CES on a stock bike I have ridden with both set ups and the heat is about the same, the carbon fibre gives a very small added relief from the heat but not a lot.

Just want to say in finishing up that if you are going to get Rebands have him make them on your bike to ensure a good fitup with out any leaks around the flanges
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Oh and I think you should let lushy tune and set up the best breathing filter for you, I only wish I knew a fraction of what he does as far as tuning goes