Pic of Triple K&N's Under Bearclaw

hey lets see the pics mate and also sorry i didnt get to have a beer with ya while u wher in brissy mate was a hectic weekend but next time for sure

..paint can rattle..bunch of info on here bout it..

Just when you first start it up for the day,
or when you crank it up every time throughout the day?
does it do it after it sits for say a beer or two?
Does it sound like a paint can rattling or more like a knock?
what oil are you running?
Did mine today - ignore the filters please they wont be there much longer and were the subject of part of my rant yesterday
Ok, I cut it. And yes, the first cut was the hardest. Very happy with the shape but took way too little off - same as Mitch's but you can only see about an inch of each filter. Will revisit tomorrow and take some more away. Might even do the "ro6ert" cut and will post pics then.
My cut was 6.5cm from the bottom mate to get the filter exposure I wanted I measured it all up before I cut it
I only went 3.5cm. But better than cutting more than I wanted I guess and I have a good line now.
Spoke with the dealer today and want to order a new bear claw to cut up...I'm certain I'll make a mistake so I want an extra. Does anybody know the part number or where in the microfiche it can be found the dealer has no idea of what I'm talking about? I have a 2099 T3T. Any help is greatly appreciated.