Very sorry to hear that indeed. I was pleased to meet him and witness his enthusiasm for his machinery, and as said above,getting the best from. RIP Pete.
Very sad to hear the news, although I had not yet had the chance to meet him, it's still a loss never the less....
No, I have no idea what has happened. I rang his mobile and it goes to a message bank which is not recorded by him. (I've tried a few times and the calls to that person are not returned). After a few goes I tried to contact him on facebook, only to see what I posted here. He was a single guy and I'd say it was overlooked at the time to contact his facebook friends (other than that general post which you have to look up) and his phone contacts weren't notified either. If I hear anything I'll pass it on.
bad news indeed just had a message from Ruzz this morning telling me R.I.P Pete, Thanks Graham
Rest in peace Peter.
We met last year at RDU and yes his enthusiasm for his Rocket was obvious. He enjoyed everyone's company that trip and the ride around the hills we all took. Glad I had the opportunity to meet you and ride with you.
A very belated condolences to family and friends.
R I P Pete.