Give Dave Barwood a call on 0438 420 380 he is in Toodyay. Owns a Rocket and pretty much only does them. Knows Tuneboy. Is known for using his motorcycle rather than going to the coffee shop and showing off.

Thanks Nev, I'll do that.

Edit: Just spoke with Dave, very nice chap. Uses TuneBoy and Tune ECU. Knows his **** too.
I also was given chain reaction from JCS but before that I had spoken with Dave. I asked chain reaction a few questions and they erred. The guy I spoke with also informed me he had previously spoken with Dave for advice. Think when I get my bike worked on I will be going to Dave after Nevilles recomendation.
You cant get Brett for a reason, coz theres a qeue. Theres your answer.Wait it out, do it once,do it right.Pedro used Rulisi cycles, but they are no longer. The guy {name escapes me} up in ozzy park is reputed to be good as well:Dnow i remember why i didnt like CR. He had no idea when it came to Tuneboy,he had tunnel vision for Power commander only..

I was talking to a guy yesterday about tuning his new t/bird and he told me he was paying them $750 to fit a "controller" ,I guess we know what that's will be,lol.

Wow......Q. is he a good mate ? or....hahaha:eek:

QUOTE=zimtuff;198705]I was talking to a guy yesterday about tuning his new t/bird and he told me he was paying them $750 to fit a "controller" ,I guess we know what that's will be,lol.[/QUOTE]
Wow......Q. is he a good mate ? or....hahaha:eek:

No ,he was just some guy who saw my R3 and came up to me at a function. He doesnt have a computer or know how to use one,so he is just going on what he gets fed.
He has already laid down $450 deposit ,so he is roped in.
I spent 10 mins explaining tuneboy/tune ecu and what I knew and his whole belief system was near crumbling when he walked away LOL.

The previous owner of my bike paid the dealer $1500 to send the bike out to get tuned after the Jards were fitted.
Brett told me all they did was put a modified TORS tune in.;)
Heya fellars,

Dropped off my bike at Daves on Thursday last week. Had a blether for 30 mins or so and caught the train back to Perth.

Just got an email from him, there's a problem with the Rebands. The #3 port wont seal. He's had the exhaust off a few times, replaced the gaskets and tried again. He's calling Ric at Reband tomorrow for advice. Hopefully its an easy fix.

Anyone else had similar problems?

I'm in Dubai at the mo, **** 4hr time difference makes it tough to talk to Ric.
That was always the fitting problem with them, usual fix was two copper gaskets in the ports, and careful tightening.

I have heard from a frequent user that this alignment issue is now fixed.
Glad I was able to help and it got out of trouble allowed you to ride it to the Dyno safely