Panniers for a 2013 roadster

I'd be interested in knowing the load capacity of the hard panniers (Corbin & Viking) vs. the leather saddlebags (Triumph)? Thanks! (Again, your bikes look great!)
I have dressed mine with LetherneckJim Sedona and they work well. When I realy want to bring a lot of stuff plus the wife I also use the T-bag. See pictures below.

Best luck with your bags!
The best look for the least cash: Mutazu RS. They match pretty well to the flat black from the factory.
The best look for the least cash: Mutazu RS. They match pretty well to the flat black from the factory.

They mount on really close to the guard. That's good , look even closer than the stock leather saddlebags. They do look good .. I've got a set that were given to me , not fitted them as there were no mounting brackets with them. You find them to be sturdy enough ? .. did read somewhere that one Owner thought they were a bit light and flimsy.
The bags themselves are not of the highest grade plastic. When loaded they tend to bow out a bit. The lids hinge from the outside and do not align the latch unless you push down on the latch a bit. Once the latch alighns itself and clicks, it's sturdy enough to be packed full. I lock them just incase and never had a latch fail.

I made my own brackets. wasn't difficult. I just purchased 4 solid steel flat straps. They are about 1.5" wide and about 3/8" thick. They were 24" long, but I trimmed them down after mocking up the bags. The most dificult part was figuring where to drill the holes. I used various spacers and bolts. I usually have a random assortment of hardware from different project. I made a couple trips to the hardware store, but overall, it was about a 3 hour job including paint. I did not have to bend the straps at all. I just spaced them away from the fender as much as needed to clear. then drilled three holes in the bags and straps. used spacers between the bags and straps. Originally, I connected the bags to the straps with two bolts per strap, but the plastic flexed too much with a light load. I then drilled holes where the bolts mounted the brackets to the fender so the bolt goes first through the bag, then a spacer, then the strap, then another spacer, and finally into the fender.

My only grip with the bags is that I would have liked to mount them a little lower. Right now they are about even with the top of the fender. I could not lower them any more due to interference with the rear shock. I would have to more them further back to move them down. And then they would extend beyond the fender and that just looked silly. Again, I think they look like a nice alternative to the beetles at less than 25% the cost.

Feels solid enough for a total of less than $300. that included the bags, shipping and all hardware. Try to find nice looking bags for less.
Very nice!

Mine hold as much as I can stuff into them; and I make trips to the liquor and grocery stores pretty often.

They're quick detachable, too.

They do sit a bit higher now; but that was done by bending the steel frames out at the bottom. The tops still sit as low as in the pictures.

Nothing great or too expensive; but they work well for me.

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[quote="Rick McC., post: 230896, member: 4919"
Nothing great or too expensive; but they work well for me.

Not sure if it's my work's network or your pictures, but I can't see them.
[quote="Rick McC., post: 230896, member: 4919"
Nothing great or too expensive; but they work well for me.

Not sure if it's my work's network or your pictures, but I can't see them.[/quote]

I don't know, but they're showing when I look at it.

They're from my Photobucket account.
