Paint Colors

If you go to a real automotive paint supply store they will have a stripper product that does work. However, I’m not a fan of stripper on gas tank. Since you don’t even have to do anything to the underside, and the tins aren’t as much area as a car or truck I think Rob is doing the right thing using a DA sander and 220 grit.
That’s how I did mine. No biggie
I wish I had a media blaster, god that would make so many things easier!!

New tools arrive tomorrow, 2k epoxy primer on the 8th, so I should have it all nicely stripped and primed by next Sunday, then I can let it sit for a bit hit it with 1000 grit and hopefully have it all painted up by Thanksgiving. Gives it like 2 months to sit in my office where it's warm and cook for long enough, prior to final sand/buff just before next spring!
Really that’s bare metal, wow just put some finish on it and call is good.