I would sign, or put my mark on it, maybe a date.
My mark looks like this, I usually do it small. It goes on all my tools and is somewhere on about everything I build.

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Gee, glad I removed these!;):eek::D

I found what is probably the most obscure contemporary color Ford have used. Was only put on cars for 9 months as a stop gap to not being able to get silver during the ***ushima meltdown because of material shortages. Attached are a few samples, you can see it's clear transition in different lighting.

It's precisely what I originally envisioned! It's also available as a single base color, meaning I can do primer, BC, CC and be done.

Sanding to be complete today, priming this evening and let it cure for 10 days, then base and clear. Logo masks have been sourced.

Expanding the number of pieces being painted now to include little bits from various places to tie it together visually front to back and top to bottom.

So excited!

Going to lay base, clear, logos and leave the carbon alone initially, no stripes initially. I want to be able to play with the stripes and not sure if I want to paint over the amazing carbon dry work yet.
All very nice. Primer is laid down, drying at the moment. The spraymax 2k cans really do deliver, spray beautifully, hopefully nothing comes to bite me in the ars down the road :)

Have 2 tiny dent to glaze (super tiny) when the primers done. Then more primer, yay, then more waiting. Oh the joys of not having body shop tools (or an IR booth) lol.