Out on Rocket today and broke down....can any1 help???

Limped off A1 and in2 petrol station thinking i was low on petrol.....put it in2 gear and nothing....tried in 2nd and nothing.....again in 3rd and no power or drive.....as any1 got any ideas???
what year is this?
I called my insurance company and they said they would sort it.....45 mins later a Fiat van turned up and the back door/ramp dropped down and we pushed the bike in and strapped it down closed the ramp and off we went
year and mileage?
without being there to check it out we r just guessing .
it might be the splines where the rear of the drive shaft goes into the final drive are striped.
u could possibly check this by having someone having the motor running and in gear and then release clutch while (listening and feeling ) at the front of the final drive. (where the 4 bolts r located.)
thinking out loud
it seems to me that if it runs then it should be ok up to the area of the crank sensor which would put your prob to be including clutch to components in the wheel. the key might be to locate the noise area.
A friend of mine said it could possibly be the shaft.......going to take a lokk when he has a min
Looks like tge FJR is gonna have to make an earlier return for a few month.....while the Rocket gets some TLC
When its switched off and in gear see if you can roll the bike around - sounds like the problem might be somewhere in or after the gearbox. I hope its something more simple but doesn't sound good :eek:

I have been out and started the bike and put it in 1st and it wants to go when releasing the clutch......then put in 2nd and release clutch and nothing and nothing in 3rd...4th either. Left it in gear and turned off engine and can push bike forward