Out on Rocket today and broke down....can any1 help???

Sorry Bane,
Got to this too late, may have been able to offered assistance.

Sounds like you are getting electrical power?
When you say electrical power what does that point to??? What am I looking at causing the problem???
Does it idle ok? Does it rev ok? How does the clutch lever feel - normal or different to how it was prior to your issue?
Starts fine.....idles fine.....revs fine......clutch lever feels exactly the same.....just wont move bike when u let the clutch out.....when you put it in 2nd and release clutch there is a knock and the same in 3rd and 4thbut bike does not move.
Only had the bike 3 weeks.....was serviced just prior to purchase and i done alk the checks for recalls and nothing was outstanding or caused concern
When its switched off and in gear see if you can roll the bike around - sounds like the problem might be somewhere in or after the gearbox. I hope its something more simple but doesn't sound good :eek:
Ok Bane I am not an expert, I have only had my Rocket for 6 weeks also.

From the information you have provided we can conclude that the engine is turning over fine, therefore we have the crank turning.
It sounds like the clutch is working as you have managed to move up and down the gears.

As Mr Hunt is saying either you are not able to select a gear in the gearbox or you have lost drive to the axle from the gearbox.

The detents are used to select the gears and therefore could be the problem. I am not sure how best to check without breaking things apart.

Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge about the bike will step forward.

I am with Mr Hunt and hope that it is a simple problem and you get back on the road quickly. Sorry I could not be more help
I know this is not solving your problem, but was curious as to how you got the bike back home. IF you had it towed, how did they do it? Flat bed hauler, ramp? Seems most of these guys HATE trying to load a motorcycle that is not already messed up from a crash. I can't imagine trying to winch a 800 lb motorcycle up on a tilted flat bed wrecker. I've been searching for a reasonably priced trailer. One of the type that lowers the whole ramp flat on the ground, then you winch it up, pop the pins back in, and go. Hard to find, but a friend, and my last Dealer has one.