other handlebars on Touring


.060 Over
Dec 11, 2020
Toronto - Ontario - Canada
2014 Rocket 3 Touring
hello everyone!

I am getting painful wrists after riding for only 20 minutes. I read throughout this forum and I have seen quite a few folks complaining about the same thing. Rise and width are good, it's the angle at which the OEM handlebar is pushing my wrists that's just not working for me.
Some folks are saying the R3 Classic bars are a good option. Is there anything else you have on that works for ya?
I have spent days looking at aftermarket stuff and there's just too many options out there!
Did anyone try HD bars? I found some from a 2002 HD Electra Glide close by... (and pretty cheap!)
I am also planning on getting new grips (I have my eyes on Avon)
My mistress is a 2014 R3T ABS.
Any thoughts / advice are welcome!

also, it doesn't look like @chandelierman is still around (he fabricated some pretty cool T-bars)

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Tourings have the worst handlebar position I've ever seen, angles your wrists terribly. First mod I made on mine was Classic bars and Rivco risers. Bars were gifted by a site member, unfortunately Rivco no longer makes the risers, but for me it's the perfect setup.
I have Thunderbird risers on, they're good, they're putting the bars right where I need them... it's the wrist angle that's killing me!
Get Classic bars, might still be available. Risers a must with Classic bars, I put them on first, the first time I did a U turn, it pulled the one side out of my hand, or rather, I had to let go on one side, I couldn't reach that far, and I have long arms. Risers fixed it. Rivcos have quite a bit of pullback, i don't know about Thunderbird risers. Others may work too, but my only experience is with those.
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The most comfy bars were on my 3 HD. I never had any discomfort on any of those bikes and the handlebar location was perfect for me. I would snag some Harley handlebars and give them a try. Once you install them don't be surprised if after 10 miles the bike turns into the nearest Bar for a much needed break.
This is how the Thunderbird risers look on the bike. Nice pull back and rise.

I found some from a 2002 HD Electra Glide close by, they look like they could do the job, I'll try and get them cheap in case they don't cut it
Have you tried to loosen the bar clamp and rotate either toward you for a lower grip or away for a higher wrist position. I have adjusted both my Rocketiii and my America in this fashion along with risers and a bar swap on my Rocketiii. Just sit in the saddle and see if either adjustment solves the issue. I tend to like my wrists as straight as possible between hand and forearm. Good Luck