Orange HD dont think so

Congrats on your Victory, sorry HD , sorry umm err WIN!

Couldn't resist a Victory pun there - fail to see the difference between a Victory and a HD???

I reckon the Orange looks great - at least in electronic form :D
Have to admit Harley D has come up with quite a variety of colors in the past couple of years. Some i really like some are a little off the wall.........Perfect for a magical mystery tour,especially when you add a little flake...;)
My wife's Sportster is a 'blood orange' on a cloudy day it looks red, but when the sun comes out, it's a deep orange that really shows off the flake, it's actually quite impressive. gonna ride that shiny orange show stopper down to Texas?

Want to but I have to be in OH that weekend cant get out of it or I was going to come down I know I'll miss a great time