One year gone by...


.060 Over
Jul 9, 2014
Ventura, California
Rocket iii roadster
So I've had my RIIIR for just over a year now, and was out riding her yesterday. I must say that the love this bike!! As I get to know the nuances of the machine more and more and become a better rider, it just keeps getting better. I think riding any motorcycle is fun, but this is a truly special machine.
When my wife asks, "how was your ride honey?" I tell her it was awesome, and super fun, but can't really explain just how cool it is. Us rocket owners are some lucky guys indeed!
had my R3R for 2 months and while the bike continues to shrink the more I ride, I also see that it's forever going to be wide too. I ride split lane on the busiest freeway on earth every day and I can't zip through like nearly every other bike. I'll slowed down 10-15 mph to get through safely.
You got that right! I rode before, but nothing like this rocket.

@ElAyRocket, hhehe, I can imagine that part of the ride is annoying (I can understand as my commute has some congested highway, nothing like yours though) but what those little rain-drops slipping through traffic miss out on is later when it aint so busy, is the big T-Rex like feel as you ride among all the little field-mice.....
Yep, I am 4 years into my Roadster and love it, just can't get enough time out on it.
I have only had mine for a week. But I love it. Still feels big but I am getting more co.fortable with the low speed manuevers. Bring it in next Wednesday for the five hundred mile service. Then I will see what she can do.
So I've had my RIIIR for just over a year now, and was out riding her yesterday. I must say that the love this bike!! As I get to know the nuances of the machine more and more and become a better rider, it just keeps getting better. I think riding any motorcycle is fun, but this is a truly special machine.
When my wife asks, "how was your ride honey?" I tell her it was awesome, and super fun, but can't really explain just how cool it is. Us rocket owners are some lucky guys indeed!
Amen to that!!!! ............. 5 years later and I still get a silly grin every time I ride her
Coming up on just 2 years for me and got my first ticket yesterday. And I wasn't even hooning around; just cruising down the HOV lanes. He said I was 20 over :-( At least he didn't cite me for wreckless
Not long, just a couple of months. Even the petrol station 2km's away takes a 50k round trip. I love my bike.


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