Thanks! The riding, go get your wife's or s/o's blow dryer and stick it right in front of your nose and that's what it's been like

Hotter than Haties! I usually sneek out early in the morning and try to be back before noon. Can't wait till Oct. when it finally cools down. I've been working on the Tenere getting it outfitted to do some camping come this fall. Panniers, skid plate and a better tail rack. I'll post up some picks of my rice burner after I get it all worked out. Next I'll move on to the FZ with a PC and some other goodies.
In the middle of buying a house at the moment and what a pain in the arse that's been. But it'll be nice to have a place that's my own (and the banks). I think I read that the next RAA is in Marble Falls in Sept? It'd be nice to sneak off to that if Jap bikes are welcome. I'll wear my Rocket T shirt