Oil Tank O rings leaks

Valve cover gasket changed. Still leaking but very little. Is it OK to ride it like that for a while? The had will have to be machined.
Took my valve cover to work and checked it out. Flat and true. When I am ready to assemble the valve cover plan on using silicon per service manual but this time I am going to allow enough time to let it set up a little longer. Throttle bodys and coils are off the bike so it is wide open. Going to take my time and pay attention the location of the valve cover gasket while torquing the cover down. I hate leaks of any kind and believe the last time I replaced the valve cover gasket (first time doing it) I may have not had the gasket located correctly.
i work with transmission pan gaskets all the time and silicone will make the gaskets squish out the sides (because it is slippery before it drys). DO NOT USE THE ORANGE CRAP
if u use silicone i would take it down to just snug then let it cure for an hour then toque it down.
also u tend to have silicone on the inside so i would let it hardened up before cranking.
Up date on oil leak.

Still leaking but... the leak is more like a sweat. Very tolerable for a 10 y/o British bike that sounds like a Spitfire. Does not bother me at all.

Lesson learned/ Leaky left side, oil tank O rings and Valve cover gasket with a professional machine shop check the valve cover. If one had to run the bike like that I guess it would be Ok for a few days but not good practice. I wonder if just tightening the cover bolts would have fixed the problem.

Fed the R3 a few tanks of gas and; the Tune seems to getting better after VC gasket change and new plugs. Easier to throttle off from a turn easier and better mileage per tank. Had light on @ 130 mi. Getting the same 30 + a little that is frequently reported. This is at civil grampa speeds .

BTW, the rear CT is a keeper.
Oh heck I didn't knpw you had a car tire. Thats why its leaking
Her is a shot of the engine wher the tank sits. The raised fitting is the rear one and oil return from the scavenging pump

And with the tank lifted

This is my next task as leaking oil quite bad from o ring.
This is my next task as leaking oil quite bad from o ring.

Mine was leaking as well.
I purchased every O-ring that is available for the oil tank and was going to remove the tank. Tried the loosen the tank... move around ... retighten method and all is well so far. You might want to try that first.

I had my Roadster for less than a year and it started leaking.
My 06 sat for a few years with bugger all riding. So would not be surprised if the o rings are shot.

Will give the loosen and twist ago.
Well did the twist and buy did it start to leak even more so much that it's running down the stand.
That was without running the engine.

Have ordered the orings should be here next week.
I've had good experience just putting the max psi the sidewall recommends. Live and learn I guess.
When you installed your dark side tire, did you mount it yourself or get a shop? How about balancing?
A few guys on my old forum said they had to do it all themself because no shop would touch it.
When you installed your dark side tire, did you mount it yourself or get a shop? How about balancing?
A few guys on my old forum said they had to do it all themself because no shop would touch it.
I mounted it myself. There are shops here that will do it. Some require that you bring the wheel in so they don't have the liability of mounting it on the bike. I have 8 oz of Ride On in my tires front and rear. Most people recommend 16.