Up date on oil leak.
Still leaking but... the leak is more like a sweat. Very tolerable for a 10 y/o British bike that sounds like a Spitfire. Does not bother me at all.
Lesson learned/ Leaky left side, oil tank O rings and Valve cover gasket with a professional machine shop check the valve cover. If one had to run the bike like that I guess it would be Ok for a few days but not good practice. I wonder if just tightening the cover bolts would have fixed the problem.
Fed the R3 a few tanks of gas and; the Tune seems to getting better after VC gasket change and new plugs. Easier to throttle off from a turn easier and better mileage per tank. Had light on @ 130 mi. Getting the same 30 + a little that is frequently reported. This is at civil grampa speeds

BTW, the rear CT is a keeper.