The oil is definitely running down the back of the engine from the top and the drive unit is coming out the breather tube wich makes sense as I just got it from Northern Ohio Ducati and Triumph. They claim to have just serviced the bike at 20k. As to how they missed the oil leak from the engine I am clueless. They have been less than helpful.
If you just got it from them I would contact them and tell them the cam cover gasket is leaking from the 20k service along with the oil coming from the diff breather which means its a wee bit to full.
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I took off the plastic covers last night to get a better look and the oil trail ends at the head seam any idea what a head gasket job costs?
I took off the plastic covers last night to get a better look and the oil trail ends at the head seam any idea what a head gasket job costs?
I am not sure what they would charge. I have changed two on mine one when I just had the blower kit from a lean out detonation and one when I installed the ported head and pistons. I am getting ready to do another one when I install my custom head bolts (non Stretch type) Your could be the old style head gasket where your not losing cylinder compression just the oils seal area. Triumph made changes in the head gasket and for a while helped out on the replacements of ones that leaked. The question is how long have you had the bike and did it come with any type warrantee since it came from a authorized Thriumph Dealer who supposely blessed its reliability. I think they should have noticed something at the 20 K service. Parts wise you not talking much . Head gasket, cam cover gasket, tensioner gasket, water pump gasket, clutch cover gasket, (although I can change one without pulling the front cover) and Head bolts. I would first contact the dealer and see what they can or are willing to do for you.
I am not sure what they would charge. I have changed two on mine one when I just had the blower kit from a lean out detonation and one when I installed the ported head and pistons. I am getting ready to do another one when I install my custom head bolts (non Stretch type) Your could be the old style head gasket where your not losing cylinder compression just the oils seal area. Triumph made changes in the head gasket and for a while helped out on the replacements of ones that leaked. The question is how long have you had the bike and did it come with any type warrantee since it came from a authorized Thriumph Dealer who supposely blessed its reliability. I think they should have noticed something at the 20 K service. Parts wise you not talking much . Head gasket, cam cover gasket, tensioner gasket, water pump gasket, clutch cover gasket, (although I can change one without pulling the front cover) and Head bolts. I would first contact the dealer and see what they can or are willing to do for you.

I can tell you what they charge...just shy of $1600.00. I took mine in for an oil leak. They thought it might be a couple of O-rings but when they got into it they tell me it is the head gasket. I just found out today - leaving Thursday on a trip. Good to have another bike though disappointed I can't take the Rocket.

Mine's a 2012 and I bought it used. Noticed the light fluid sheen on the side of the engine early on but did nothing about it until, of course, after the 2 year warranty had run out. Now I'm mad at myself for not having it diagnosed sooner. I have to take their word for it and pay the price as I am not doing it myself.
This is a very old, but useful thread. 3 cheap possibilities, weep holes, intake covers not being tight, and crank case filter blowback.
But $1600 to change the head gasket is outrageous. Not the amount of work because pulling/replacing the engine to do it is several hours. Just the engineering that resulted in that much work for a head gasket change. Then again we do have a car engine mounted in a motorcycle frame and that's part of what we love about the beast!;)
A month later and they still have my bike. One of the gaskets was on back order. They will be replacing the head gasket, valve cover gasket, O rings...the sum of the parts are inexpensive but the hours in labor add up.

While waiting for parts I asked the dealer to contact Triumph - even though my bike is out of warranty, the head gasket should not need replaced so soon on a 2012. Plus I had the sheen on the side of the engine but chose to ignore it hoping it was nothing even while it was still under warranty - stupid on my part. He told them my story and asked for some compensation.

The dealer told me Triumph responded and asked for him to send them some pictures. That at least was not a no!

Yesterday I was told all the parts were in and they should be getting it completed this week.

Fingers crossed that this solves my oil leak AND Triumph helps with the cost of the repair!!!
I washed it off this morning and rode 30 miles earlier this evening. Checked the bike an hour after and saw nothing new. Thankfully it was nothing. This is my first Triumph and my first new bike, so I'm probably being a bit overly cautious and nit-picky. Enough said, it's Miller time. Later...

Good Lord man, I had late 60's and early 70's Triumphs that were notorious leakers and the Lucas wiring was not very good either. About the only leaks of oil I have personally experienced or read about on the Rockets are the o rings on the oil reservoir leaking, easily fixed. Ride on.