Oil Change

Me sir me sir!!! gave wrong torque settings and didn't level bike when checking oil
See if anyone can spot the mistake

He referred to his R3T as a Roadster and he should have prefilled his oil filter with oil before screwing the filter on. This would prevent the engine from running dry for a period of time when he first starts the motor.
How can you prefill the filter when you have to turn it on it's side to install? I never do. Just watch the oil pressure light to make sure it goes out within a couple of seconds after start-up which he never did.
Ya'all do what you see fit, but I will never use a torque wrench on oil drain bolts.
Seen way too many folk strip their case threads.
If you can not feel a bolt being snug versus too tight, go to a better mechanic . . .
Just sayin' . . .
Looks more like a Touring model than a Roadster
Give the gentleman from Montreal the Silver Dollar! The bike is a R3T. Nothing on the machine matches with a cruiser. Gas Tank, bags, front tire/rims and lights. All touring.
good evening everyone and happy new year; time for me as well for the oil change my local nashville dealer does it for about 70 bucks (castle powersports-team there know triumph) i bring my own oil; will be using 7100 Synthetic Ester Motor Oil from Motul 4T 10w40 stuff is awesome. Best oil for the money in my opinion

I believe this is the latest service interval chart. If you notice the valve check has been moved from 10K to 20K.

Sorry about the size, I couldn't upload the PDF.

Yep, 20,000 miles or 32,000 kilometers. I did mine around 37,000 kms. There were no 'tight' valves.

Notice the requirement to replace 'fuel hoses' at 4 years regardless of mileage????? Do any of you guys replace the fuel hoses in their cars.... ever??? Why on a motorcycle?