He referred to his R3T as a Roadster and he should have prefilled his oil filter with oil before screwing the filter on. This would prevent the engine from running dry for a period of time when he first starts the motor.
How can you prefill the filter when you have to turn it on it's side to install? I never do. Just watch the oil pressure light to make sure it goes out within a couple of seconds after start-up which he never did.
Ya'all do what you see fit, but I will never use a torque wrench on oil drain bolts.
Seen way too many folk strip their case threads.
If you can not feel a bolt being snug versus too tight, go to a better mechanic . . .
Just sayin' . . .
Give the gentleman from Montreal the Silver Dollar! The bike is a R3T. Nothing on the machine matches with a cruiser. Gas Tank, bags, front tire/rims and lights. All touring.
good evening everyone and happy new year; time for me as well for the oil change my local nashville dealer does it for about 70 bucks (castle powersports-team there know triumph) i bring my own oil; will be using 7100 Synthetic Ester Motor Oil from Motul 4T 10w40 stuff is awesome. Best oil for the money in my opinion
Work shop manual says 10,000miles (16,000km) or one year which ever comes first, changing FS oil to early just relates back to the old days when it was hammered into us that oil had to be changed evet 3000 miles but due to the crappy oil back then it was probably true.
Yep, 20,000 miles or 32,000 kilometers. I did mine around 37,000 kms. There were no 'tight' valves.
Notice the requirement to replace 'fuel hoses' at 4 years regardless of mileage????? Do any of you guys replace the fuel hoses in their cars.... ever??? Why on a motorcycle?