Work shop manual says 10,000miles (16,000km) or one year which ever comes first, changing FS oil to early just relates back to the old days when it was hammered into us that oil had to be changed evet 3000 miles but due to the crappy oil back then it was probably true.
Thanks a bunch! I was 2nd guessing the " ten thousand mile " rule. Scot in x was making sense. 6000 mile change sure is more logical to me than 10,000. And besides I'm usually wrong anyways. Just ask my better half.... Oh ya, Happy new year to all the Captains!!!
Earlier is ok too Chip..i did mine at just under 10000kms ...oil is cheap....Well, it's not when it's amsoil but i feel ok about's good insurance.
Earlier is ok too Chip..i did mine at just under 10000kms ...oil is cheap....Well, it's not when it's amsoil but i feel ok about's good insurance.
I have worked in engineering and maintenance for almost 40 yrs. the quality of synthetic oils have improved the lubricity by over twice the levels of the 80s. Unfortunately basic filtration for internal combustion engines has lagged behind. All this means : buy good filters.
Also if we did not stretch the penny and invent copper wire an Englishman named MrDavy might not have invented the electric light(no Edison did not invent it)