Buy yourself a half decent torque wrench and torque the drain plugs to the correct setting, most guys are like bulls in a china shop when it comes to wrenching.
Noooo they want to charge 35$ a can of some fancy oil + three washers and a rubber seal. It is funny that they never have the washers or rubber seals in stock and triumph does not sell them as a kit.
Rotella T6 5W-40 will work in the Rocket. It's a diesel engine oil that meets the oil requirement spec in the Triumph Manual. I have used it. It is wet clutch safe but I find it doesn't last as long as Mobile 1 4T or Amzoil 10W-40 motorcycle specific synthetic oils. I tried the Rotella once and noticed that the tranny starts to feel a bit snatchy when shifting, earlier on than the other types mentioned.
I agree with the above information..Its very easy to do. I use Amsoil fully synthetic oil and Amsoil filter. Drain the oil, remove and replace the filter. Add the oil and dont be surprised to see the oil high on the stick...there may be some air in there. Run the motor to let the filter full up and check the level again. At this point, you may find it difficult to actually see the new oil on the dipstick...i use a plastic tie to dip the shows up on the plastic better, now measure the level mark on the plastic tie against the mark on the dipstick...easy.
I find it much easier if I ride the cycle up onto 2x6 boards. Put the same thickness under the kick stand.
Also, I use Lucas synthetic oil. It's no better than Mobil, Amsoil,Castrol or other brands. The key is this cycle specs out synthetic oil. The manual used to require changes @ 10,000 miles. I've never went over 5,000 miles. Call me wasteful.