Oh well

got to this thread late; congrats again sonny tell us the good/bad/ugly of the new ride!! 6th gear?? do we know if it has that
Congrats! I cant wait to see one in person!
I've seen the concept Rocket (#1 of 750) up close at a marketing presentation I was invited to at the beginning of February. We all got to sit on it but no photography allowed. Obviously, it's quite a bit different than the outgoing model and looked to me like Triumph is directly targeting the Ducati X Diavel. If I hadn't already purchased a 2018 Roadster, I may have been interested in putting down a deposit at the local dealership.
I thought about it but if im going to buy a slower less horse power bike it might as well be a adventure tourer like a 800 tiger
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I thought about it but if im going to buy a slower less horse power bike it might as well be a adventure tourer like a 800 tiger
Friend at work has one of those Nice bike. He let me take it out for a spin enjoyed it very much. Returned the favor and handed him my keys. He said no way. Been looking for awhile now for a new bike. Not ready to throw the X under the rug will hang on to it. Still waiting on the new cams to arrive. Looking real hard at a Corbin seat. Very excited about the new bike. Granted that the X after the next round of upgrades will more than likely out run it but that is not the point.
YOU of course!

I asked my dealer if he can get 666 he has a deal!! we will see soon enough , he claim that the plates are held and sold as requested and affixed to the rig before shipping the balance goes to the the general market also claim by may we will know the real story,
if this deal happen it will be my last hurra!! ...might want to be buried with it.