Oh No - Transmission........ BOOM Maybe.

As for guides Steel is right I make tensioner parts for the APE tensioner. You have Nev's which he had made with a larger head then the APE.. I am curious to see what the back side of your guide looks like as I do have a couple thoughts on the last few guides that have broke and why. But I need to gather more intell before I put my foot in my mouth. Anyway since the cams need to be retimed I would guess you'll send her down to the master in the Tin shed
But the important question is, can you make us a heavy duty tensioner for those of us with a bit more than stock horse power?
But the important question is, can you make us a heavy duty tensioner for those of us with a bit more than stock horse power?
Ya but the guide failed we have to see why. Which is why I need to see if the back of his guide were the tensioer hits looks like one of my early failures before I designed and made the shoe. Then we can see if and how yours fits in the broken bunch.
Looks like his cracked at the exact same spot mine broke.
mine from 2011

This is what lead me to modifying the cam chain guide at the top. This is with the APE manual tensioner which never went back in the bike. At the same time I did the modification for the manual Tensioner I did a shoe for the OEM Tesnioner plunger which was larger then the APE. The I modified the OEM auto tensioner with a anti kick back modification and ran it with no problems at all put about 12000 miles on it and looked just fine when I pulled her to work on the motor.
And when will they be available to the general public?
And when will they be available to the general public?
I did both mods at the same time but Bob chose the APE tensioner so only a couple of the larger shoes were made. Of course your shoe can be altered as its just enlarging the oval plunger hole. If I remember right the OEM plunger was about .075" larger diameter then the APE. As for the tensioner mod its really pretty simple even Fred modified his. Myself If I have another rocket with the auto tensioner it will be modified even if its stock just for safety.

so then modifiaction is just with the center nut so it can be done on any bike without losing the timing as YOU WILL NOT BE TURNING THE ENGINE OVER WHILE THE CENTER NUT IS OUT !!!!!!

below is a couple pictures first one in red is the unmodified OEM Auto tensioner blue is it modified

below in red is the modified tensioner assembled

Basically You remove the dowel pin that aligns the tension spring. Drill and tap the center nut and replace the dowel pin with a 1/4x20 UNC stainless stud.

Now adjusting it. after installing the center nut with the new stud and spring (don't forget the copper washer) You run the stud down to the bottom of the plunger and back it off 1/2 turn. this is not use to force adjustment it is merely there to stop the tensioner from releasing allowing slop in the chain and your timing to jump. Once it is in the right location you lock it with the double nut ( the Acorn nut is for dressing things up a bit I went with a longer stud and a regular nut then ended up finishing it off with the Acorn nut for looks).