Official photo

Benelli Sei beat it by about 5 years, admittedly with an engine initially derived from a Honda 500 four.
That was my very first bike. A Benelli. Had to order parts through Montgomery wards (a department store) Never did run right. Matter of fact during that time frame was when i figured out what a clutch lever was for. Worked all summer in a convenience store and paid a whooping $500,00 dollars for the bike. Got it running and ran into a end of the road block. Spent a few days in the hospital over that. Family and friends were worried about my well being. Never did ***** about my well being.They all thought i was nuts. All i talked about was how great it felt and from then on was hooked .
If I could have got my hands on a Benelli I probably would have bought one. I actually went for a Suzuki water bottle because it was ‘different’. I especially liked the dark purple colour and black tips on the exhaust - that’s the 70s for you. Great bike, very fast, thought it was the ultimate machine until I swapped it for a 750/4 and found out what all the fuss was about.
Went to the movies every Friday night back in the sixty's. One Friday night late in the sixty's a friend of mine and i saw a Movie that changed everything for me. It moves me still to this day. He was bored to death watching the movie. I on the other hand was inspired. Were still good friends and he went on to become a leader in the computer world. Me i just bought a trashed bike. Got it to run and dam^ near killed myself. Since than he has been thrown into a mental institution in California. Myself we have had are ups and downs but formally believe it was not for the thrill of the two wheel wonder would have either lost it a long time ago or ended up locked up. Third bike in a long history was a Honda 1978 750. Last year of the single overhead cam. Bought a 350 Yamaha two stroke upon graduating basic training (MCRD) Three years late after a few promotions bought the Honda. Rode the Hel^ out of it. I apologized to you CanberraR3 for getting a little bit rough with you a few days ago. On the same note you have to consider your mileage estimate per year on my part. 30,000 during the same time frame on the X but spent on this bitc5 Ye indeed we are a Okie, Funny thing about that we is a funny group of folks out here in the sticks.
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well at least they got rid of the butt ugly stock headers..clearly a street touring on that bad ass machine..
I think if it's going to fail, it'll be for that reason. The Rocket's versatility is amazing but this seems very locked in.
So, now the stats are starting to come out... Where's the guy that said he would eat dog sh@ and put the video on YouTube if the bike meets the spec he stated?
+/-10% seems fair to us...
I thought it was interesting to see the 2018 registration on Triumph's "rolling prototype", and the suspicious lack of details, such as engine size when you look it up.

I guess this bike was being ridden around England throughout 2018 for real world testing and reliability trials etc, and they had to have a number plate on it

They should have let me test the reliability. I always seem to bring out the weak spots.
It looks a hell of a lot better in the latest pics, that single sider back end is a thing of beauty, I even like the stock exhaust! Which is unusual as almost without exception I have wanted to change the pipes on a bike within days of delivery for almost everything I have owned! Only exception was S1000XR which I dropped 3 days after I bought it and had to change the pipes

Same question as for all other pics, where will my beloved park her ample posterior? It would cover the back light!! (If she sees this, I die!)