Of course... Ignition Switch Maybe?

The EB bypass was one of the first things I did. Mine stopped working about 3 weeks after I got it, too. (ended up being a short right off the positive battery cable).
I got it fixed with the help from this forum. (LOTS of help!!!)
I found a burned connector wire that the previous owner had patched up during my search for the problem, so the EB route sounded like a good way to go.

Here's where:
H4 Kits

I got the "H4 Single ‘In Shell’ Kit" the relays fit quite well inside the headlight shell on the Touring. And I even had room to swap out the old H4 bulb with an LED replacement. (I don't drive at night, so I wasn't worried about getting a whole new lens setup). The LED draws even less power.

Later I installed a fuse block, but the bypass worked very well directly connected to the battery.

Glad you got her going!

And, oh, yeah, that Decosse Keyless would be a great way to go, too!
its not the voltage before u hit the starter
its the voltage u have left after u hit the starter
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