don't feel bad, i gone one worse for you to feel better about
I used to work for Summit Anchor (doing fall safe anchoring on high rise buildings) and one task is to come back to new or old installs and putting a chain ratchet and a load cell and a digital level on the posts and test them against each other and check how much they move (lean) Test must pass less than 0.10 degrees at 3500 lbs of tension on the load cell.
I ended up on a phone call because ONE of the posts was failing at 0.21 degrees at 3500.... i ended up eating SH!T that day for this but i had mistakenly put the load cell in KG and when that happens we damage the load cell. i ended up buying a damaged $1,500 load cell that day and for ever more had the shame of wasting the bosses time and a very expensive engineer phone call for 30 minutes and i even told them i had checked... Mistakes happen!