I will. They will fix it what ever it is. I will require them to ride it before they start the service so they can feel and see it for themselves. They are good to me and I to them.
They won’t get any more deer jerky or Christmas cookies if they falter.
I treat my head mechanic and service writer very well and you might even consider this a bribe. It is also a little like a prepaid insurance plan. I do get some perks and special treatment there. Money talk and BS walks but if you combine the fiscal kindness with genuine friendship it makes for goos times and efficient service.
I treat my head mechanic and service writer very well and you might even consider this a bribe. It is also a little like a prepaid insurance plan. I do get some perks and special treatment there. Money talk and BS walks but if you combine the fiscal kindness with genuine friendship it makes for goos times and efficient service.
Funny, I had the same problem with my 2013 when brand new. Had about the same mileage, and all at once, while riding, a vibration came in. So bad, I pulled over, and had a look see, in case something was coming apart. Couldn't find anything by eye, so went home and called the dealer. Told them I was afraid to ride it, the way it was. They sent a trailer, took it to their shop, checked it over, test rode, and brought it back to me, saying they could not find anything wrong. I asked how fast did they go on the test ride. They said 60 mph, and that was the speed limit where they test. I told them it came in around 65 and up. They said nothing. And it's been there ever since. I guess I've gotten used to it, but it for sure went from butter smooth, to a buzz at 6500 and up (rev set to 6800) all at once. I have around 35,000 miles on it. I know, not much for a 2013, but I do have 5 other motorcycles, all tagged and running.