Odd Vibration

I will. They will fix it what ever it is. I will require them to ride it before they start the service so they can feel and see it for themselves. They are good to me and I to them.

They won’t get any more deer jerky or Christmas cookies if they falter.:whitstling:
You don't give them sugary candy like my childhood dentist. Still remember dad muttering something about the guy making his own business.
@Dr.D I would not expect this to cost you anything but the time it takes to get it fixed with the bike being so new.

Like the others, I am keen to know what the cause is and hope they find it.
@Dr.D I would not expect this to cost you anything but the time it takes to get it fixed with the bike being so new.

Like the others, I am keen to know what the cause is and hope they find it.
I agree I seriously doubt there will be any costs to me. They may diagnose the problem quickly and I bet it will not cost much.
maybe they figured out that not deer jerky you've been feeding them.
We are in coyote season now.:rolleyes::eek::sneaky:

I treat my head mechanic and service writer very well and you might even consider this a bribe.;) It is also a little like a prepaid insurance plan. I do get some perks and special treatment there. Money talk and BS walks but if you combine the fiscal kindness with genuine friendship it makes for goos times and efficient service.:)
We are in coyote season now.:rolleyes::eek::sneaky:

I treat my head mechanic and service writer very well and you might even consider this a bribe.;) It is also a little like a prepaid insurance plan. I do get some perks and special treatment there. Money talk and BS walks but if you combine the fiscal kindness with genuine friendship it makes for goos times and efficient service.:)

It's not difficult is it :thumbsup: (combine the fiscal kindness with genuine friendship)
Funny, I had the same problem with my 2013 when brand new. Had about the same mileage, and all at once, while riding, a vibration came in. So bad, I pulled over, and had a look see, in case something was coming apart. Couldn't find anything by eye, so went home and called the dealer. Told them I was afraid to ride it, the way it was. They sent a trailer, took it to their shop, checked it over, test rode, and brought it back to me, saying they could not find anything wrong. I asked how fast did they go on the test ride. They said 60 mph, and that was the speed limit where they test. I told them it came in around 65 and up. They said nothing. And it's been there ever since. I guess I've gotten used to it, but it for sure went from butter smooth, to a buzz at 6500 and up (rev set to 6800) all at once. I have around 35,000 miles on it. I know, not much for a 2013, but I do have 5 other motorcycles, all tagged and running.;)