Odd clutch behavior

El Bruto

.060 Over
Oct 6, 2015
Rocket 3 2005/6 modifed!!!!
As you guys know I've just rebuilt the motor.. And it's now running good... But.

If I wind the throttle open in higher gears I get a bit of clutch slippage.. Sorry I guess when I had to limp it home in 5th with wife on the back I've done the clutch.... But that's not the issue.

Sometimes, not very often, when I'm. Moving the bike around in 1st the clutch makes some odd noises and it grabs.. The noise is more of a clunk..
Any ideas.. Will new clutch plates sort it, and can I just do the friction plates?
Since your fibers are worn I suspect your feeling the anti judder spring flexing more. Are you using the clutch that came with the motor or the 05 one?